Darren Travel

Building in Public - AtomicRoutines.com

work on music video

I'm dropping my new album later this week, it’s the 2nd volume of “Who Will X My Life”, it’s about emotions of missing someone, love, and life

Let me know what you think of the new album!


I'm dropping my new album later this week, it’s the 2nd volume of “Who Will X My Life”, it’s about emotions of missing someone, love, and life Let me know what you think of the new album! https://youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_mvMdhVTqhjsgvXL9RZEaMy_KBhae10-tw

follow up with weekly schedule and meetings, settle month end hosting and migrations

follow up with weekly meetings and schedule, continue finishing up content

continue working on new song experiments and also utilize credits for AI video tools

get back to content projects for this month

How can we help?

Hey team, I just submitted Strings of Sonata to FilmFAST! 🎬

Like or Retweet to show your support for a fellow community member https://x.com/DarrenTravel/status/1779750497039298657

follow up with weekly schedule and finalize challenge details How can we help? Hey team, I just submitted Strings of Sonata to FilmFAST! 🎬 Join me on this journey as Chord, an AI music robot, faces and conquers challenges of discrimination and adversity Like or Retweet to show your support for a fellow community member https://x.com/DarrenTravel/status/1779750497039298657