1MB is a free and easy static website host.
Showcase sites on homepage 🌟
Launched 🚀 https://getmakerlog.com/products/1mb
’s new authentication system is done. ☺️
Added some stats to homepage
A guest developer revamped 1MB’s code editor.
1MB sites are subdomains now. Example: 1mb.site/dalton becomes dalton.1mb.site
Append /edit to the end of a site URL to access a frontend code editor.
Block site edits that contain your key also.
Auto retract keys that are accidentally or purposely uploaded.
Added dynamic varaiables to 1MB. First one is !ip which is replaced by the visitor’s current IP when your site is loaded.
Launched a new service called 1MB. https://gist.github.com/Dalton-Edwards/739ddb6bb17004f72bca8f74fc874bfd