Abdurrahman Adianto

The only difference between ordinary and extraordinary is just that little "extra".

/Fix socialite twitter login error on heroku deployment

Found related thread on stackoverflow but decided to try another (presummably better for my case) solution. Turns out it works and decided to add the solution to the stackoverflow thread. Could be useful for somebody else


Setup heroku-specific laravel config

because I user heroku for my hosting platform, I need to set my database & logging setting to follow heroku's style

some references if you wish to do the same:
- for setting laravel's database to use DATABASE_URL env var : https://mattstauffer.com/blog/laravel-on-heroku-using-a-postgresql-database/
- heroku's docs on setting laravel logging: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/getting-started-with-laravel#changing-the-log-destination-for-production

Created basic landing page for

I use [chota.css](https://jenil.github.io/chota) because its lightweight and very minimalist, perfect for small MVP

Setup twitter account at @habit_helper

Abdurrahman Adianto Author

Thanks! Glad to be part of the community


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