Aishwary Dhare

Chasing eventual perfection for API Testing Toolkit #zuQA

Posted on reddit to re-validate API Testing problems which aims to solve

Please drop your valuable vote and comment on reddit here

Finished course on and Super excited to pump-up the performance of using the newly acquired knowledge

On importing postman collection, checkboxes state should be same as it was in postman (collection)

Feature: add checkboxes to enable or disable a queryParam or formData param (same as postman)

Purchased Postman Galaxy workshop passes

- Wish to stay updated with latest happenings in API world
- Wish to learn by watching the experts on conducting large scale workshops (planning to do that myself for our marketing tactic for zuQA )

Register on YCombinator Co-Founder Match program for

I am searching for cofounder to help me with
- marketing
- design
- coding
Learn more and follow to stay updated about #zuqa here

Helped a fried solve production DNS issues

- Services were running fine on AWS
- Cloudflare was operating correcty as nameserver
- Original domain registrar wasn't responding during traceroute
Note to self: Always use AWS Route53 for domains

Joined 2nd cohort of Product Psychology Mastery

Spent Republic Day holiday in India on an excursion

Hogenakkal falls, near Bangalore, India

Quick shopping spree to purchase gift for girlfriend

Last few weeks were quite hectic and wanted to make up for not giving her time

Released alpha.5 and alpha.6 for today

- Pushed UI enhancements in v1.0.0-alpha.5
- Then a new issue surfaced breaking an important feature of the app

PS. Promised early adopters to fix any of their issue within 24 hours

Sent out a OnePager doc to a client w/ essential features to develop

Its a subscroption based ecommerce for dairy products. Took reference from
- Their existing operations workflow
- Interviewed their opeations manager
- Competitors: Supr Daily, BigBasket, Amazon pantry

Did attend my first session in

Would recommend 100% for
- idea validation
- weekend motivation
- networking
- inspiration

Release v1.0.0-alpha.5 of zuQA

TL; DR - Bug fixes & performance improvements
zuQA generated nodes for flow-testing editor layout (attached image), these nodes got generated at runtime according to user's API collections. They were being written inside electron's apps bundle, causing issues in linux (cannot write in readonly package).

Fixed issue by using electron's user-dir for the same and packaged required utility code into a npm package which gets installed when app boots up.

Bug fixes, New bugs, more feedbacks

- bug fixes from Mac release are fixed
- new bugs reported from are to be fixed today (asking for a major restructure of code)
- planning to push new release tonight
- Received praise from CTO of for #zuqa :)

Took feedback for alpha release from a friend

- Feeling pumped by friend's positive feedback on #zuqa
- Found new bugs on Mac release, Vishal (co-founder) will squash them tonight
#ChallengeAccepted We have promised all our early adopters of #zuqa and testers to fix all their issues within 24 hrs