Aizaz Khaja
Exercising dev + biz skills
Completed implementing some password-reset logic. Time to test it!
Completed implementing some password-reset logic. Time to test it!
Figured out strategy for password reset route, need to implement
implemented postmark pretty quick and painlessly. Hyped.
switched to postmarkapp instead of mailgun and getting much better support + sdk and features 🤩
Completed implementing and testing mailgun email workflow
Worked on mailer; had to switch lanes a bit
Implemented a version of mailer. Needs some fixing
setup (sub)domain settings for mailgun
fixed up minor issues with develop branch
signed up for mailgun to implement transactional emails
implemented authorization for different user roles
Completed authentication work finally
got signup and signin working. now for jwt/passport implementations next!
continue interview prep work
Made progress on implementing own auth instead of a ready made
Exploring alternate auth products
5th day of consistent journalling before beginning my work
api auth seems to be complete for now, will have to get to client auth before it all falls into place
made some progress implementing auth0 to API
figure out validation pipes (nestjs) for schemas and what not