Ali Rashidy

Helping fellow founders

Published "10 lessons I learned after making my first $1K as an Indie Hacker" in IH

I just finished writing "10 lessons I learned after making my first $1K as an Indie Hacker" and published the article on IH.

Wrote a case study on how I made $1K in 3 days

Hey fellow makers, I just published a complete case study on how I made my first $1K selling Notion templates after 3 days of release the pre-order.

In case you want to know more:

Writing detailed case study on how I made my first +$1K selling Notion Startup OS without ads.

Oops, I guess I said it all on the title!

I sold 33 pre-order copies of Notion templates!

Yesterday I launched a new product called Notion Startup OS, and sold 33 copies in the past 2 days.

Here's something that I learned from that experience, today I learned that analytics can trick you on what's working and what's not! Maybe what's not working just needs and extra effort, or you're doing it the wrong way.

My biggest takeaway tho was that what you don't see on your analytics can be better than what's on top of it.
Ali Rashidy Author





Notion Startup OS

The fastest way to plan, launch and manage your startup.

Notion Startup OS is the best way to launch and manage your startup, from idea to exit, right inside Notion.
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