Allison S.
Developer | Building Fantasy Congress 🏆🇺🇸
Work on filter for totals [fc-congress-members]
Followed up on another potential customer interview
Ordered business cards for conference
Research where I can print business cards for conference
Dug through closet to find stickers and promotional material for conference
Started on wrap up email about the alpha
Second in person customer interview!
First in person customer interview
Go through alpha survey results to determine UX pain points
Create in-person customer interview questions and script
Responded to emails, cleaned inbox
Ran job to update legislator's average points
Friends in town, showing them the city
Wrote thank you letters to some of the alpha participants
Got pagination working for virtual resources (weekly totals) [fc-congress-members]
3 hrs of tinkering and reading the docs
Create totals endpoint [fc-congress-members]
Finally figured out how to get weekly filterable totals of points for legislators
Reading a lot about RESTful design, how to make aggregated data and virtual resources (those that don't map directly to the DB) available
Reached out to three alpha participants about customer interviews, one already said yes!
Create custom filter for action viewset [fc-congress-members]