Allison S.
Developer | Building Fantasy Congress 🏆🇺🇸
Finish add to team endpoint [fc-platform]
Complete ability to drop and add congress members from their page [fc-platform-frontend]
Scheduled email about the Alpha (hype hype hype!!)
Start function to parse leagues and determine if congress member is available or taken [fc-platform-frontend]
Create team availability section on individual congress member page [fc-platform-frontend]
Create "add" and "drop" endpoints for team lineups [fc-platform]
Add search to available congress members section [fc-platform-frontend]
Add section with available members of congress for a league to individual league page [fc-platform-frontend]
Add ability to drop members of congress from team on individual team page [fc-platform-frontend]
Add exclusion filter to get all members of congress NOT in the list [fc-congress-members]
Add dynamic data to league and team details, spruce up the style [fc-platform-frontend]
Sort teams by total points, calculate place [fc-platform-frontend]
Display points for individual congress members for given dates [fc-platform-frontend]
Add points for designated time period to DRF congress member serializer [fc-congress-members]
Add current week to DRF league serializer [fc-platform]
Add total points to DRF team serializer [fc-platform]