Allison S.

Developer | Building Fantasy Congress 🏆🇺🇸

Add table to display current league members and their settings in the league settings page [fc-platform-frontend]

Create custom action on leagues viewset for handling deleting and editing users in a league [fc-platform]

Add wrapper template to handle multiple layers of nested routes [fc-platform-frontend]

Add league settings page to router and link to settings on leagues list page [fc-platform-frontend]

Hide edit and delete icons for league if user is not the league commissioner [fc-platform-frontend]

Add custom get_queryset and get_object methods to leagues viewset [fc-platform]

Stood for 2 hrs

keep that streak up! 8 days strong, close to the ten day club!


hahaha health logs :D


Add method to get and display leagues in leagues list view [fc-platform-frontend]

Customize create method on leagues viewset so the user that creates the league is the commissioner by default [fc-platform]