
The only difference between ordinary and extraordinary is just that little "extra".

Rework data storage for artifact

Storing large json in Firebase firestore is actually not possible.
It's not possible either to upload json files to Firebase storage directly from nodejs πŸ™„
Ended up using Firebase Database to store my json, but I would take any recommendation on how to easily store large jsons (ideally using Firebase/Google cloud for ease of integration with existing tools)

Display variable storage on blocks/transaction pages in

Now you can see the new state of your contract directly on the transaction page

Finished core of hardhat plugin

Hardhat plugin that push artifact info to Ethernal
This was tricky because information is a bit all over the place and I needed a reliable way of linking it all together

Added Logrocket to debug frontend

Spying on my user's console πŸ•΅πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ

Build a first version of landing page

Rework UI to display contract storage

Too much info about contract storage was displayed on the contract's page.
Displaying storage for all transactions at once was not useful.
It now only display storage data for the selected transaction.
Now, it looks less overwhelming even with a lot of transactions.

Split contract storage section in components

The logic to retrieve contract storage data & the UI to display it on the contract's page were entirely coupled and hard to read/maintain, and I needed to reuse those parts in different places.
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