Released our newest eguide, "24 things to increase longevity", on ProductHunt!
Scheduled social media for the week
Design phase 2 mockup
More content writing
New content on the blog:
Continue working on July subscriber award, perhaps a little bit into some secret stuff...
Finish up newsletter freebie for July
Fixing back end for expenses/revenue flow
Began setting up payment for access
Some content writing
new social media post type
new blog post
Added the "exclusive community" perk to paid membership
Working on July freebie
Trying to figure out an automation process that would make payment fulfillment smooth
Connected all revenue/expense stuff to the business bank
Scheduled this weeks social media
Misc. Cleanup -- fixing images, putting in new copywriting, etc.
Wrote some new blog posts and fixed some errors on the Notion doc
new blogpost:
Port information back to the old Notion so everything works :)
Released the newsletter
Apply for a business bank account
Scheduled social media for the upcoming week (and started scheduling more beyond that)
Jacob Robinson
I use a combination of Tweetdeck for actual scheduling (I only use Twitter rn) and Notion for organizing the materials