Alexandru Catalin Trandafir

CEO & developer at HeavyDots & maker at AllMyPicz

ABAC > Invoice importing system > Write notes with specific steps / parts of the class to implement

ABAC > Invoice importing system > Create new importer class for this format by duplicating and cleaning existing one

ABAC > Invoice importing system > Create controller by duplicating existing one from other invoice importing format

ABAC > Invoice importing system > Send email to ask for feedback on a specific excel/client

ABAC > Invoice Importing system > Try to break down the process in smaller steps/tasks

ABAC > Invoice Importing system > Check one client's Excel file and reply with feedback > Check client email with feedback about social network broadcasting, reply + write new mail to old developer for more feedback > Check the social network distribution system integration and evaluate the status/possible tasks

12pm Call with outsourcing company to see if we can collaborate in the future on a project