make the website a progressive web app
implement asset versioning for cache busting
image optimization
implement sitemap generator and push to prod 🎉
write meta descriptions for SEO and finish up the landing page
start preprod tests of new website
design some custom social cards
work on landing page
finish bio page
finish Tools page
I listed all the tools and tech I use in a single webpage to link them to corresponding articles published on Sustainable Web Dev. It will perhaps help drive some traffic.
start adding a few blog posts and work on the reading experience
use the new snowpack starter to build the website
projects page - design and copy
start implementing design
make a worthy profile pic for the new website
work on new design
Install the new repository, pick a color palette, and keep working on the Figma wireframe.
design new logo with Figma
Basile Samel
I just googled it and apparently they went through the same thought process haha
start designing new portfolio website using Figma
play with AMP and snowpack configs
AMP is disappointing at best. The time-to-interactive is nowhere near as fast, nor the bundle size as lightweight as a Svelte equivalent.
I managed to implement SSG with Snowpack + Rollup and reduce the bundle time by tens of seconds though. I need to see how it scales to hundreds of static webpages, but the developer experience is muuuuch nicer and the bundle config is 90% smaller.
I managed to implement SSG with Snowpack + Rollup and reduce the bundle time by tens of seconds though. I need to see how it scales to hundreds of static webpages, but the developer experience is muuuuch nicer and the bundle config is 90% smaller.