- Prepared the messages to 'copy/paste' them. Sent message to these 28 groups, one by one, slightly changing the content to adapt it to the group theme and rules, as well as languages. -
Unblocking Instagram: how to? Send a photo of your face holding a WHITE paper where you handwrote the code they sent you, followed by your full name and username. Name the photo 'archivo.jpg' and send. Wait.
- Had my old uni finance teacher to review the Business Plan when I have it. He runs a side project to help projects and ideas go into business. Monday tasks are mostly BP related then. I feel lucky!
- reviewed responses and compared LogoGenerators, I finally chose hipsterlogogenerator.com as it was the only one that actually let me download the logo for free without watermarks! Logo DOES look a bit cheap, but hey: it is for FREE \o/