Bhavani Ravi

Software Engineer who quit my job and is trying my best to becoming a Indie-Hacker

Write a k8 job spec and cronjob spec

Job is easy create a job and apply will create a pod run it. If you run the same job spec again it will error out. Great. Which means we have to templatize it

Cronjob, creates a pod for every cron. Great. You can stop new schedules by suspending it.

Starting a new project: Kubetask

Ok, not really new. It was old. Resurrected it from the depths of my github repo and updated dependencies. All tests are failing. GREAT!

Gonna make teeny tiny tasks to keep the momentum going

Run some experiments on OpenAI

Bhavani Ravi Author

Still running…


Editing Youtube videos

Ugggh... Listening to your voice is no fun. Recorded four videos on Advanced Python, Edited one last hour

I'm just glad the videos for next month is ready
Bhavani Ravi Author

2 done took 2 hours, 2 more to go.


Fixed a bug that I can't get out of my head

I even wrote a blog post after fixing it.

Record 2 youtube videos

This is a huge task because I can only record 4 AM or 10 PM due to the surrounding noise.

It's 4 AM, and I'm up hoping to record two videos at least
Bhavani Ravi Author

Recorded 4 videos successfully, edited 1

MC Naveen

How did it go? Did you managed to record it?


Pre-launched my Ebook on Technical Blogging

15/30 days down on my #30DayChallenge to write an ebook on "Technical blogging for software developers."

Today I pre-launched it with 3 Sample chapters
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