
Delightfully simple podcast publishing for entrepreneurs

Improved pitch for

This is a short pitch I wrote for the pre18 pre-accelerator program. The pitch is still a work in progress.

For Puerto Rican entrepreneurs that want to gather an audience for their products and services, Caproni is the preferred podcast publishing platform. Caproni is the favorite among successful boricua podcasters. Also, we empower you to have full ownership of your audience so that you increase sales with confidence. All without spending hours building and maintaining a site, setting up payments, working on SEO and managing analytics. Compare Caproni to platforms where you don’t control how your brand is presented or where a third party acts as gatekeeper to your followers.

Updated templates for automatically generating pages for podcasts on

Want to offer websites to everyone hosting their podcast on Caproni.

Sites will be automatically generated.

Using Gridsome to generate static sites. Hosted on Vercel.

Revised strategy doc for

Finally released podcast analytics for

Took a long while but happy to finally have it on production.




Did some customer discovery on an idea related to podcasting

Emailed an existing Caproni user, posted two tweets and had a long conversation via the phone with a friend who is a podcaster. Also pitched the idea to a few friends.

Applied to the Rising Entrepreneurs Program

30k in equity free funding!!

Orgnized new milestones with new issues

Next milestone will focus on automatically generating websites for podcasts.

Followed up with lead who is interested in moving his podcast to