Stop being a stranger to your data. Connect your database to Chartbrew and visualize your data in a few simple steps.
:bug: fixed issue with the chart export being an array instead of an object
:recycle: Added a new data extractor module to use for exports and table views
Pushed 1 change to chartbrew-cloud
:bug: fixed issue in the axis charts when 0 was considered a non-value
Pushed 7 changes to chartbrew-cloud
:children_crossing: added role-based display for the individual chart menus
:children_crossing: hide refresh all charts button from Members and explain the functionality
:construction: updated the axis data algorithm to take into account responses that are not ordered correctly according to the date
:bug: fixed issue with removing the dashboard filters
Pushed 6 changes to chartbrew-cloud
:bookmark: bumped the version to 1.6.1
:children_crossing: restricted viewer role from seeing the add chart button
:building_construction: restricted the viewer role from reading other teamRoles in a team
:bug: fixed issue with the decimals not being trimmed when calculating a formula
:page_facing_up: added the license document for the chart icons
Pushed 4 changes to chartbrew-cloud
:pencil: updated the docs
:sparkles: added support for radar, polar and doughnut charts
modified the UI in the chartPreview component
Pushed 16 changes to chartbrew-cloud
:bookmark: bumped the version to v1.6.0
:arrow_up: updated lodash
:twisted_rightwards_arrows: Merge branch 'spreadsheets'
:sparkles: showing and hiding the export functionality based on the permissions
:construction: added the front-end elements for the export permission
:building_construction: modified the teamrole model and added the extra permissions to the export route