Stop being a stranger to your data. Connect your database to Chartbrew and visualize your data in a few simple steps.
:construction: added a placeholder for the filters ui
:zap: using the field caching in front-end
:zap: added fields caching in each dataset to speed up the chart configuration
:construction: added the db migrations for caching fields
:construction: udpated the chart caches to update the data field rather than destroy the entire row
Pushed 1 change to chartbrew-marketing
:lipstick: switched the line charts tension to 0
:bookmark: minor version release 1.3.1
:bug: fixed stripe pagination when the limit was 0
Pushed 13 changes to chartbrew-cloud
:arrow_up: minor dependency bumps
:sparkles: introducing the pagination templates
:pencil: updated deployment docs
:pencil: updated prerequisites for m1 macs
:wrench: fixes for the setup on MacOs
Pushed 1 change to chartbrew-cloud
new tutorial for
Pushed 3 changes to chartbrew-cloud
:sparkles: ironed out the formulas feature
:construction: first draft of the new formulas feature
:sparkles: ironed out the formulas feature
:construction: first draft of the new formulas feature
:construction: more work on better identifying dates
:bug: fixed crash when getting an empty array in the API builder