
Stop being a stranger to your data. Connect your database to Chartbrew and visualize your data in a few simple steps.

:bug: fixed issue with the component not being initialised properly

Merge branch 'refactor/Navbar' of into navbar

Merge branch 'refactor/InviteMembersForm' of into invitemembers

:hammer: refactor component InviteMembersForm into functional component

Merge branch 'refactor/FeedbackForm' of into feedbackform

:hammer: refactor component FeedbackForm into functional component

Merge branch 'refactor/EditUserForm' of into edituserform

:hammer: refactor component EditUserForm into functional component

Merge branch 'refactor/ApiPagination' of into apipagination

:hammer: refactor component ApiPagination into functional component

Merge branch 'master' of into precommit

:children_crossing: updated the copy in multiple components and made first dataset button more clickable

:fire: removed old code for the charts configuration in the backend

:construction: fixed issue with multiple datasets on line charts fixed issue with sorting dates with multiple datasets

:construction: added support for multiple datasets with the new algorithm

:construction: fixed date mutability when the includeZeros was true