
Stop being a stranger to your data. Connect your database to Chartbrew and visualize your data in a few simple steps.

:construction: Added a cron job to clean the cache every hour

:construction: Added new ChartCache model and functionality The controller caches and serves the data based on the cache flag

:construction: Reuse the chartData without making live reqeusts New button on front-end to request live data

:construction: Added a cron job to clean the cache every hour

:construction: Added new ChartCache model and functionality The controller caches and serves the data based on the cache flag

:construction: Reuse the chartData without making live reqeusts New button on front-end to request live data

added server rule to allow embedding charts from chartbrew-cloud

created a Github team 🎉🙌✨

post about the CLI tool on IH

new release for create-chartbrew-app to allow updating to the latest version

wrote a quick update on IH