
Stop being a stranger to your data. Connect your database to Chartbrew and visualize your data in a few simple steps.

:bug: fixed crash in the AxisChart algorithm when getting the config without filters

:sparkles: finished up the tutorial component, added dashboard tutorial and mechanism to restart these

:card_file_box: added migration to clean the tutorials column for the User table

:bug: fixed issue with the dashboard filters not being applied on a page hard refresh

:bug: fixed issue with date filters not applying correctly on non-api connected charts

:bug: fixed issue with the runQuery action not sending the filters to the api

:bug: remove API call query parameters when the variables are not set

:bug: fixed selector for the project members to exclude admins

:children_crossing: removed the show/hide draft from the main dashboard function

:children_crossing: restricted alert recipient assignment based on the user role

:bug: making sure all projects are fetched when the project board is loaded

:lipstick: added smooth transition between large and small side menu

:bug: added error handling for getting the team members to avoid crashes in the dashboard

:recycle: switched the dashboard component to use the RTK state

:bug: fixed issue with the layout changes not being saved all the time