Stop being a stranger to your data. Connect your database to Chartbrew and visualize your data in a few simple steps.
:construction: covered the case when doing a join on the same source
:construction: added coverage for more use-caes when not using the joins in the charts
:construction: changed the chart and filters processing to work with joins
:construction: changed the joins to appear in objects inside the main response
:construction: adjusted the caching mechanism to work with the joins
:construction: added aliases to the joins
:construction: added the join algorithm in the backend
:construction: added data persistence with the joins settings
:construction: organised the joins in a grid
:construction: improved the UI for the joins
:construction: improved the visual status of the data requests and improved the UI for the join settings
:construction: modified the dataRequest reducer to properly map loading and error states
:lipstick: changed loading indicator
:construction: work in progress in getting the join to work on multiple data requests
:construction: refactored connection to joins
:construction: migrated realtime db to joins
:construction: migrated GA to joins
:construction: migrated the API builder to joins
:construction: migrated mysql and postgres to joins
:construction: migrated the mongo connection to the joins system
:construction: updated the FirestoreBuilder to work with multiple data requests
:construction: big refactor dataset-toMany-dataRequests
added the capability to run single requests using the dataRequest rather than the dataset
:construction: added delete and save functions separately to each request builder
:construction: more work on the UI to get CRUD operations going
:lipstick: changed the text selection color for dark mode