Stop being a stranger to your data. Connect your database to Chartbrew and visualize your data in a few simple steps.
:heavy_minus_sign: removed semantic-ui dependencies
:recycle: refactored the last components to nextui and removed semantic-ui usage completely
:recycle: refactored the password reset screen
:recycle: refactored the feedback form
:construction: multiple design fixes for the embedded charts and chart filters
:construction: fixed the loading state for the user dashboard
:construction: multiple theme improvements
:construction: changed all the text editors in the app to change based on the current theme
:construction: fixed chart filters selection
:construction: replaced deprecated method
:sparkles: added the theme toggle functionality
:construction: changed the way items are aligned in charts and KPI modes
:recycle: refactored the embedded chart component
:construction: changed the icon for removing a member of the team
:recycle: refactored the API keys component
:recycle: refactored the team settings component
:recycle: refactored the team settings container and team member components
:recycle: migrated the navbar to the new navbar component from nextui
:recycle: refactored the profile settings page
:recycle: refactored the project settings page
:construction: few design tweaks for the login and signup pages
:twisted_rightwards_arrows: Merge branch 'master' into design/nextui
:bug: fixed issue with the logo upload name
Pushed 2 changes to chartbrew-cloud
:bug: fixed issue with the logo upload name