
Stop being a stranger to your data. Connect your database to Chartbrew and visualize your data in a few simple steps.

:children_crossing: disable the sharing option for the member role in the UI added more information about what the sharing option does

:children_crossing: making sure the chart contextual menu doesn't appear under other elements

:bug: fixed issue with the owner's team not being selected in the dashboard

:children_crossing: stop asking to create a new project when part of a team that has projects

:rocket: added the option to select fields from nested arrays on the y axis

:wrench: the client dev port is now fetched from the main .env file

:wrench: changed the default port for the react start script

:wrench: copied semantic settings in the root folder so npm install doesn't fail

:heavy_minus_sign: removed dependencies that were causing resolve issues

:construction: replaced react-split-pane with allotment to fix dependency tree issues