
Stop being a stranger to your data. Connect your database to Chartbrew and visualize your data in a few simple steps.

:construction: created a migration script to switch all charts to the new chartjs API without a refresh

:construction: added new chart label plugin with changing colors the charts are now showing all datasets in the tooltip at the same point

:sparkles: upgraded the chartjs library to v3 along with the chart configuration

:construction: created a migration script to switch all charts to the new chartjs API without a refresh

:construction: added new chart label plugin with changing colors the charts are now showing all datasets in the tooltip at the same point

:sparkles: upgraded the chartjs library to v3 along with the chart configuration

:bug: fix issue with formulas being applied twice when the data parsing was skipped

:sparkles: added the customizable labels for bar charts as well

:children_crossing: improved the ux of the x Axis labels setting

:sparkles: added the option to control the number of labels that appear on the X Axis

:construction: removed the need for the pg-native package on postgres connections