
Stop being a stranger to your data. Connect your database to Chartbrew and visualize your data in a few simple steps.

:rocket: added a link to the latest GH release in the side nav bar

:construction: added the ability to add the pagination field manually covered the use-case when the pagination field is not found

:sparkles: added the option to paginate requests using pagination URLs

:construction: added the ability to add the pagination field manually covered the use-case when the pagination field is not found

:sparkles: added the option to paginate requests using pagination URLs

:lipstick: made the intro steps less negative if user skips

:construction: added the back button to the chart mogul template

:sparkles: added the option to use existing connections in templates

:construction: sending the list of selected charts to the simpleanalytics template builder

:sparkles: added the option to select which charts to create for the templates