Stock alerts that gives you more time, energy and money 🤑
added stripe payments for new users
made new zaps for production
grandfathered in beta users to be premium
signed up for stripe live account
emailed alphavantage support once again since they don't answer 😢
back on the horse, refactored old code and added more stocks 📈
emailed and tweetet to alphavantage about api issues
added error message about alphavantage api issues
added footer link to Makerlog product page for changelog 🚀
tried to make the pay button pretty
added payment success and canceled pages
added a Zap from Stripe payment to Firebase database
added a Stripe Checkout button
added new domain to Google Search Console
added new email throughout the app
Configured Google SMTP for email notifications
Created a Twitter account
Configured DNS to new domain
Purchased domain