Feature: Flash it: Highlight the time or message to your speaker by flashing it 3 times. This one is really fun 😄
Feature: Global timer settings: Choose if the timer should stop at 0:00, continue counting, count up or down or just display a plain clock
Feature: Sum-Up time: Signaling to the speaker it’s time to wrap up with the colors yellow and red
Pushed 11 changes to stagetimer
Pushed 3 changes to stagetimer
Pushed 3 changes to stagetimer
Pushed 1 change to stagetimer
Pushed 1 change to stagetimer
Pushed 1 change to stagetimer
Pushed 1 change to stagetimer
Implementing feature request for -> "sum-up" time 🚥
Pushed 5 changes to stagetimer
Pushed 1 change to stagetimer
Pushed 4 changes to stagetimer
Catastrophe struck: Prod MySQL DB broke. All client websites down. Fixed 💪
Email server was also down because I had to reboot the server. Took me 4 hours all in all to get everything back up.