The coworking space for modern teams.
Work hard on a fire new settings page for
Work on assigned task interface
Work on a toast system for
Work further on support for assigned tasks, get something going...
Notify sockets on assignee change
Shift all views to the new for_user object
Add assignees to task syncing and showing
Make logins work when hitting enter
pitching and brainstorming session at ic
Was so productive today making this feature... actually quite the change, surprisingly difficult to implement, it changes Cowork's code massively.
Ugly still, but working on it!
Get assigning in the editor working!
deploy basic assigned tasks api for testing
Assigning functionality UI
Work on assigned tasks for
Transfer outstanding bug reports to Cowork bug tracker
note down bug reports for Cowork - thx and
Launch integrations feature
Finish Cowork integration pages and commit before taking laptop to shop
Give Alina branding checklist