Dalton Edwards

The only difference between ordinary and extraordinary is just that little "extra".

Added account stats to homepage. 245 registered at the time of writing 💪🏻🔥

Implemented supporter badges on homepage. It’s a cool way for people who donate to make their site stand out.

‪1MB sites are subdomains now. Example: 1mb.site/dalton becomes dalton.1mb.site‬

Added dynamic varaiables to 1MB. First one is !ip which is replaced by the visitor’s current IP when your site is loaded.

Append a /source to end of site URL to view source. Example: https://1mb.site/home/source

Created a new 1MB site with the sitename “home” and redirected the root 1MB domain to it: https://1mb.site/home

Launched a new service called 1MB. https://gist.github.com/Dalton-Edwards/739ddb6bb17004f72bca8f74fc874bfd

Dalton Edwards Author

Thank you


yo this is cool as heck.


Got engaged 💍 short coding break

Dalton Edwards Author

Thanks :)




Henlo is 100% censorship free. You own all of your data. Others replicate it to make it immutable.

Yeah, somebody could edit their local data to make it look like they have a ton of likes and followers, but everybody would know they were lying because the data wouldn’t be the same on the majority of instances.

Added icons to buttons. Added an archive button which stores the status in your local blockchain. You can verify data across multiple sayhenlo instances to make sure people don’t lie.