Darren Travel
Building in Public - AtomicRoutines.com
continue working on content
follow up with weekly schedule and meetings, continue to test custom GPTs
prep for the week ahead and test out custom GPTs
continue weekend courses and ticker on new side project
impulse buy a new domain name for a potential project
rush up client work and make changes on workflow
work on content and continue new workflow
get some new LTD tools and test out new workflow
follow up with weekly schedule and meetings, and outline new project specs
prep for the week ahead and catch up on Grok/AI news
continue weekend o pine courses and try out some tools
wrap up the week and start early on weekend courses
counting with content development and recording
follow up on content and listing updates
work on research for projects
follow up with weekly schedule and spend time on mindfulness lessons
start new weekend audiobook, Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy
wrap up work for the week
fix up house and repairs, migrate playlist from Apple Music to YouTube music, prep on new projects
finish up content and test out new apps
continue working on content and videos
follow up with weekly schedule and meetings
catch up on weekend courses and read a book