Darren Travel

Building in Public - AtomicRoutines.com

follow up weekly schedule, meetings and do some research on new content workflow

prep for the week ahead and ideate some new stories for new webtoon projects

catch up with weekend courses and dabble on new AI art workflow and tools

follow up with weekly schedule and run errands on monthly payments, renewals etc

I'm dropping my new album in April, but you can get a sneak peek on YouTube right now. Let me know what you think! Happy weekend! ❤️  https://youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_m4--eOIUmpXZwtSOnFFm6YflTtrkIwsG0

launch a new project for online creators and promote it, also finish up a new album for the weekend for early preview

follow up with weekly schedule and meetings, rush up month end project for launch

do some marketing and research on new music tools

How can we help?

Please support my new album: "No Country For Love Songs" drops on 28th March, and you can find it on all your favorite places to stream music. Whether you're totally in love, totally heartbroken, or somewhere in that weird limbo in between, this album is for you.

Check out my YouTube channel for early previews

release new album updates. How can we help? Please support my new album: "No Country For Love Songs" drops on 28th March, and you can find it on all your favorite places to stream music. Whether you're totally in love, totally heartbroken, or somewhere in that weird limbo in between, this album is for you. Check out my YouTube channel for early previews https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_lp3go769utqvdUmAXPs3HGprD6zEUJbjY

follow up with weekly schedule and also finalize new album release, focus on bitter love and country music this time 👍