Darren Travel
Building in Public - AtomicRoutines.com
work on meeting schedules
get some rest and do some house errands
work on research and content
just focus on finishing up work stuff today, busy week
work on week meeting schedules and month end wrap up work
prepare for the week ahead
get some rest and do some house work
work on some research today
curate and organize my content work
explore some marketing solutions
continue to do some research and work on some content
plan for the week ahead and do some research
get some rest and do some house errands
play with some of the new tool I got
check out some deals and increase my stock on shelf ware
continue to do some research for content
do some content work for today
work on this week scheduled and work planning
likely rest and do some house errands
finish some pending task overflow from yesterday and take some weekend rest after that
get work sorted and rush some client work to finish before the weekend
need to rush up some work before the week ends , so not much time for side projects