Let's hack Twitter (again) - Get new followers!
Hey makers,
Post your Twitter link and what you tweet about.
Let's follow each other to grow our Twitter audiences!
@gaburieru4649 - Follow me to get new information on indie hacking/early stage businesses and updates on my own projects. You can also find me posting a bit about podcasting.
@MaciejJanowski - I tweet about web dev, Python, Tailwind, Freelancing, and plan to start sharing what I am building as side projects.
I'm posting about code (vuejs/laravel), some jokes, fun stuff.
Also, if you need advice on your design, check out pinned post :)
@poppacalypse - Started my self-learning dev journey since March 2020, so I tweet about Learning In Public. And hopefully, eventually, Building In Public too.
Already following @gabriel4649 - I do enjoy your tweets, thank you for always providing value 🔥
https://twitter.com/MicahIverson - I tweet about startups, business, design, development, SAAS, house painting and life.
@DoomHammerNG here. Writing about my journey as a maker, about online courses, books I read, and music :)
@hsotofortuno - I post about everything from art, tech, business and politics. Eventually, I'll focus a bit so I can add value to your life but in the meantime, I just want to keep learning from you guys. Kuddos.
@jamesmkenny - I tweet about development, indie hacking, building my own business and products. With a bunch of photography thrown in.
@razvanilin - I'm trying to be more active on twitter nowadays. I tweet about development, design, lifestyle, digital nomading and, of course, indie hacking 😃
https://twitter.com/manish_saraan - I tweet about programming, mostly JavaScript. I am creating new side projects and improving my skills in marketing, app development etc.
@jakobgreenfeld I write about my humble business ventures and personal learning journey
@AlinaCSava — I rarely tweet. Been trying and successfully failing to open up about my issues as a maker.
Looks like I'm late to the party, @heyitsolivier - started tweeting last week about anything tech related that makes me giggle
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