Primcloud Daily Standup - #1

Hello Makers!

Today is day one of my first ever vacation at my day job. I have taken 2 weeks off to absolutely CRANK on Primcloud to get it ready for public beta.

I have decided in this two week time that I will be posting daily standup Monday through Friday, and then also a Weekly Check-In post to summarize the week.

I am doing this to hold myself accountable and keep shipping. I have found over the past few months that I have been a lot more productive as I share stuff on Twitter and build in the public. So I am taking it a step further and providing standup here.

I hope this is successful and I continue doing it even after my two weeks.

So without further ado, lets get into it.

What did I do yesterday? ✅ Started putting together a todo list of everything that needs to get done

What do I plan to do today? ☐ Draw the 4 winners of my Windy contest on Twitter ☐ Refine my todo list and flesh out more requirements ☐ Start putting together the public roadmap

This standup is for Primcloud - Deploy, manage and scale your apps

You can also follow me or Primcloud on Twitter!

James Kenny

This is a great idea!! Looking forward to the updates.

Fajar Siddiq

I hope this is successful too, can't wait for the public beta

lost in the land

Get it Josh! Love these kind of updates because it makes me want to keep pace


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