How many hours do you schedule for deep work per day?

Hi, just interested to see how many hours you do schedule for deep work daily. Personally I do 5 hours daily and I feel it's not enough

I always feel like it's not enough. Probably it will never be.

Maybe it's about mindset - because there will always be the "next" milestone, which we want to accomplish on that day.

Okii Eli Author

@ostapbregin yeah, it's a rollercoaster

James Kenny

I set around 3 / 4 hours aside daily for deep work.

I don't always get it, at the moment it's a bit difficult. I have a lot of different things going on around me at the moment so a lot of context switching going but these things need to be done.

I do schedule my week out and set my goals for the week, month etc. I've found that really helps me get the most out of my deep work.

Why do you feel like it isn't enough?

Okii Eli Author

@jamesmkenny I feel it's not enough the moment I started working from home. My productivity has really deteriorated. Before covid, I used to work from coffee shops and it was the best! 5 good hours were enough then. Now I have to jungle between spending time with my daughter and my work

James Kenny

@nextstevejob yeah I totally understand that, I think there is a huge difference between working from home and working from home during Covid.

I wouldn't be too hard on yourself about not getting enough deep work.

What about reducing the hours for deep work and spreading them out? So something like do 2 hours in the morning, hang out with your daughter for a bit and then do another 2 hours?

I know a few people who have done that and found it helps.


I use to time-block around 4-5 hours of deep work mon-fri.


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