Listen to Feedback or Do the Marketing?

Hey Makers,

So, I launched my first Saas App, Designtack exactly 1 week ago.

Now, From all the initial users, I have been for receiving a good amount of feedback regarding what are the things that can be improved.

Although, I am not sure if they are my customers but then again, I am appreciative of the feedback. I feel like I am stuck between marketing or shipping the code. 😥

Should I work on the feedback received from the users? OR Should I focus on marketing and work on bringing in new users?

Thank you,

James Kenny

It's really time to do a bit of both. Ignoring feedback is always a path to ruin and just focusing on bringing in new users can turn into an endless list of feedback.

Far better to split your time (Part Working on Feedback, Part Marketing and getting feedback).

Review all the feedback you have gotten. weight it up. Some of it you will just discard or add to the "Upcoming" list but other feedback should go into the "Doing" list.

And then use the fact that you are working on all this fantastic feedback as part of your marketing. Listening to your users can be a great way to get new users but also shows you can be open to feedback.

The other side of that is to then make time and use that for marketing and getting feedback from new users.

Vaibhav Dwivedi Author

Yes, It seems that I have to manage both of them. I cannot weigh only on specific one of them.

James Kenny

@vaibhav It's just trying to find that balance that works for you. There is no really right answer to this, just a bit of both.

Also if there is very little feedback or it's more about new features you could probably do more marketing but if it's some things that can be improved maybe better to do that work and then do more marketing.

Hope that helps in some way!

Vaibhav Dwivedi Author

@jamesmkenny Ah, I understand that now. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!


If you aren't solving your own problem then the best is actually to start with the customers, or potential customers and interview them for ~30 min. I've run a couple of these interviews and they were super helpful. Focus on their workflows and their main pain points, and don't talk about your solution as they might be biased.

You'd need to run about 6-7 interviews, if they are more or less the same, then there is no point running more.

If you don't have anyone in your network who might be willing to answer these questions you can always find strangers and offer them Amazon voucher or some other gift card. But you'd need to screen the interviewees first.

TBH, I wouldn't spend on marketing too much if you aren't sure you are building the right thing.

Looks like your main target audience is social marketing managers, there are a few online communities that focus on online advertising. Just join their forums or slack chats, they'll be able to provide the feedback ;)

Vaibhav Dwivedi Author

Customer interviews was the option which I skipped in the initial beta phase but now that I think of it, It would have been a great, had I done it.

Although, My product's idea came from a personal level as well. The issue is, I know how to do things from a technical perspective and I find it a bit difficult to know what the "user" is having thoughts about the product.

Yes, my target audience is the mentioned one and I have a couple of users as well. I guess, I need to join the marketing communities more. I can still do the interviews, right?


@vaibhav yeah, it doesn't hurt to do the interviews at any stage. Focus on the pain points.

Btw, for demoing the product it's best to say it's not your product, but you've been tasked (or helping a friend) to get the feedback on the product / landing page. This way people usually give more honest feedback and won't try to shield you from a negative one.


Like James Said Eariler,

Do both. It's imporant to listen to your SASS first customers and audience. Their Feedback will make your product better and Have more of an audiecne, But Marketing is imporant as well New customers will also be better.

You need more customers for more feedback, Try to focus a little more on implenting and taking the feedback.

Vaibhav Dwivedi Author

True that. I need to do a bit of both.


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