I am not a charity, are you?
A few days ago I got really frustrated. Some clients/companies just seem to think everything on the internet just exists. While in reality even the most simple sites/tools/products took a lot of hard, dedicated work.
Luckily my domainhunting skills didn't leave me hanging. Introducing notacharity.com, a website to send/link visitors/clients/prospects to if they don't want to pay for quality.
You can easily add your name to the copy by appending it in the URL, like this: notacharity.com/makerlog.
Have fun, and let me know how people respond!
Sorry, but no way I'm sending something like this to anybody, even to the rudest and most entitled folks out there. That doesn't fix anything, just adds more sarcasm and hostility to the world.
In my opinion, the right way to do it is to send the part about "most simple sites/tools/products took a lot of hard, dedicated work" and hope that some people will comprehend it.
No one is forcing you to send this to anyone. It was made for people in the maker-field to relate to, for fun. Maybe I should've put more emphasis on this in my post here.
This had me rolling in laughter, lmfao. I don't think I'd send it to anyone for rudeness, but still quite hilarious. It's like LMGTFY.
Thanks! It is quite rude and should always be followed up by "JK Ily 😚"
Great way to burn bridges. Just stay cool and ask more money.
Damn. Signed up for this platform thinking there'd be some room for giggles, but people be way too serious.
Ok was a joke. lol I've seen so many insane projects lol for a while i thought someone would really send this to a client.
@12months12projecs born out of frustration, but obviously a joke. All good 🤘🏼
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