What are other uses for makerlog ?
Some ideas … plz
There are many possibilities, but there is a discussion whether this makes sense or not
- https://getmakerlog.com/discussions/12months12projecs-what-you-feel-about-creating-log
The thing is, you can use makerlog for anything that somehow has to do with reaching your goals or anything to do with logging.
For example, you could log every day how your day was. So that you can still overview the whole thing I would introduce tags. Smth like that:
day: 😁
day: ☺️
day: 😪
day: ☹️
and so on. Besides, log how far you have jogged, how many miles you have driven. Hey, you got any vices you want to quit? Log every day you haven't smoked, drank alcohol, eaten chocolate.
So you see, there's a lot of things you can do to use Makerlog. But as you read in the discussion above, most of the people are not sure how far this should go. Personally, I find everything ok as long as it has a goal. Simply, streak 1
or I need a log to not lose my streak
does not help you. then you lie to yourself and then the person should rather think about his motives.
I log my (personal & work) todos. Publicly doing so creates a sense of responsibility.
Tim Ferris did a great podcast with Jim Collins, in it they discuss his Life Spreadsheet. I bet Makerlog could be used for this.
Logging in public also allows you to find people with common interests with whom you can collaborate. Its kind of a 'social marketplace' where people looking out for getting 'X' done, can find someone with the right skills to help with.
I'm not much of a maker myself but I use Makerlog to take a closer look on the building life of makers like Sergio, Mubaris (@mubaris), Ethan (@Booligoosh), and other potential makers I inspire to be. :)
(@gj's comment sums it up perfectly)
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