Make notes on 7 new lessons for the course on callbacks and closures
Add new post to hashnode
Upload and release ep 5
Add raw video of ep 5 on youtube channel
Write description for ep 5
Finish off editing the transcript for ep 5
Add audio to to get the transcript of the ep
Finish off post-prod for ep 5
Finish off editing ep 5
Spend money on Baldurs Gate 3 :o
Submit PR that updates example config with twitch settings
Submit PR that adds links to the instructor guides for egghead
Weekly meeting to discuss lessons from missing semester
Set up obsidian for note taking following principles learned on the book smart notes
Write draft for article on productivity
Approve and merge PR that turns more tests to pytest
Update dependencies
Fabio Rosado
I did little advertisement when I released the template. The #100daysofcode uses a plain md file sort of like notes and I struggled with keeping track of what I had done after a few weeks haha