Fabio Rosado
My time is divided between flying and coding
Create basic data structure for collected analytics
Puts into database the date, time, cpu usage % and ram usage %
Fix issue with hours of uptime not being shown properly
Test skill on raspberry pi and compare with glances - looks good!
Get details of how long the machine has been running and when was the last reboot
Play around with datetime and timedeltas
Create async function to show network status
Create async function to show disk status
Create async function to show config status
Create async function to show cpu status
Create async function to show memory status
Plan the skeleton for the opsdroid skill
Set up repository for skill
Help client with text formatting for new pages
started working on new project
review suggestions received in slack to add more communities to the list
Add card explaining about donations and featured
Add featured area on main page
Fix sidebar on mobile - keep it above everything else
update script template to include the feature tag on frontmatter
Add featured tag to each community