Fajar Siddiq

Founder of Euphorya

🤑 Shopping Day: Bought new bag pack, earpiece, skipping ropes, wallet & eat subway

😉146 votes - https://twitter.com/fajarsiddiqFS/status/1183851201953034240

💳 Tweet about Transferwise APAC Singapore - https://twitter.com/fajarsiddiqFS/status/1184144976462016514

😉 Tweet about old company i started in 2008 - https://twitter.com/fajarsiddiqFS/status/1184026956385271809

🕵🏻‍♂️ Posted on IH - https://www.indiehackers.com/post/if-every-job-was-paid-equally-what-would-you-do-6df3b5b827

🤩 create a poll https://twitter.com/fajarsiddiqfs/status/1183851201953034240?s=21

Somebody just sent me ☕️ 5 coffees on BuyMeACoffee.com/fajarsiddiq

Josh Manders Staff



🥰 I got invited to Transferwise Office Singapore Tomorrow 6.30pm for their launch!

🤑 @mddanishyusuf giving $MAKER on LIVESTREAM - https://twitter.com/fajarsiddiqFS/status/1183775046247956482

☕ Thank you @mddanishyusuf for the coffees! - https://www.buymeacoffee.com/fajarsiddiq/post/90364