Gabriel J . Pérez Irizarry 🇵🇷
Indie Hacker developing a podcast host, Caproni
Made offline backup of
Wrote interview outline for podcast
Did OBS setup for recording a podcast
Morning reading. Its been long while since I read a novel, so making some time for that in the morning. Often too tired in the evening to read.
Added backend podcast category validation
Research podcast guest for creating interview questions
Added backend ISO language code validation
Fixed issue with ISO language code not being saved correctly
Set correct mime type for RSS feeds
Worked on job to process clouldfront logs for building podcast analytics
Looked up maker/indie hacker communities in Japan
Worked on preparing taxes
Fixed validation issue while uploading
Replied to potential customer
Replied via email to some inquiries
Replied to email about renewing next year's contract
Sent calendar invite to first interviewee for podcast
Made some minor improvements to
Sent a request to close my account, no longer need it.