
DIY investment management tools for Muslim retail investors. It helps research stocks that can be considered Halal (aka businesses that don't primarily earn from earning interest, illicit activities or weapons, to name a few), as well as help with managing their portfolio themselves.

Began work on an application form for one of the regional accelerators

researched variety of grants, incubators and accelerators accesible to us

activate startups.com sub to get bizplan going sometime in near future

added a disclaimer to the page and pushed it live along with small edits

Decided on what tech to use for scraping some data.

Drew Bredvick

I'm a big fan of NodeJS with Cheerio - https://github.com/cheeriojs/cheerio

Aizaz Khaja Author

Oh interesting, I keep seeing the name come up, but was thinking of using Puppeteer.js so that I can access SPAs