I am Arav Narula
I am Arav Narula, a Freelancer from Canada!
Design first Kibbles Magsafe2 prototype
"Go fullscreen" visual bug: goes up and left
Design and print prototypes v1, v2 & v3
Design and print prototype v0 (shitty) and render it in a nice photorealistic way (not that shitty)
Get good enough at Fusion 360 to be able to produce work
Learn enough KeyShot to produce my first photorealistic product render
Research about product 3D rendering and get into KeyShot (install, set up, etc)
Set up "Coming Soon" page
Buy domain name and set up server
Meet @pugson, @bugtank and @wimgz IRL
Add TOS and Privacy pages (adapt from Wordpress' Legalmattic)
Fix xmlrcp Jetpack issue by installing php-xml
Add sizes variations for all t-shirts
Style checkout + cart pages
Add "Shop now" button to landing page and modify the other two buttons to look accordingly
Switch Stripe + PayPal from sandbox to production mode
Determine shipping costs and update preferences
Almost perfectly working online shop
Mac mockup for landing page
Distribute beta 2 amongst first betatesters