Create a blog post from your Instagram post.
Product Niche: Small Digital Product Seller Business on Instagram.
added MailChimp email box to
Hook-up signup links to register pages
Users can have multiple instagram accounts linked (future update)
Add a "start your Free trial" button on landing page
better the UI on small phones.
Solved random link redirect in
Select Instagram Account Users can have multiple instagram accounts linked (future update)
signup on facebook using facebook-sdk
practice facebook Graph API
Learn how to Get User Access token on Instagram Graph API
Do Market research on target Niche
submit a screencast for Facebook to approve the API use for
submit for project approval at Facebook developer
Create a todo list for Live stream!
Move all code to newsletter from Core
Add some info on features page
redo landing page to get more emails
Publish website for Idea Validation
plugin forms with different thresholds
Create a mail list on mailchimp