Jakob Greenfeld
The only difference between ordinary and extraordinary is just that little "extra".
wrote a script to fetch the top 10 products at producthunt at any given day
Launched my first project on Product Hunt https://www.producthunt.com/posts/maker-reads
finished chapter 13 in Hartl's Ruby on Rails Tutorial
finished reading the Rails Guide "Layouts and Rendering in Rails"
finished reading the Rails Guide "Active Record Basics"
finished reading the Rails Guide "Action Controller Overview"
Wrote down 5 ideas and 5 problems
finished reading "Rails Routing from the Outside In"
finished chapter 11 in Hartl's Ruby on Rails Tutorial
Wrote down 5 ideas and 5 problems
finished chapter 10 in Hartl's Ruby on Rails Tutorial
finished chapter 9 in Hartl's Ruby on Rails Tutorial
finished chapter 8 in Hartl's Ruby on Rails Tutorial