The only difference between ordinary and extraordinary is just that little "extra".
added payment and beta URLs
added local entrypoint for Django container
added paddle public key file
added environment variables for stripe and paddle
nailed down the login template
talked to potential customers to further validate the idea
Paddle integration, 80% complete
Published a post on indiehackers https://www.indiehackers.com/product/launchr/the-perfect-saas-starter-template-for-indiehackers--LpFZ4A1PNzqaDtn7Z1b
First pass on the pricing page
remove the deployment step
remove the github account provider
get back to old testing infra
Drafted a post on how I'm deciding to build a business on top of a Open Source project
compiled a list of all available URLs
initial research on competing products
first pass on the template landing page
hacked a cookiecutter livesync template together
uploaded new profile picture