Jibran el Bazi
Journey before Destination
Resend CW to unopens of last Sunday.
Schedule Sunday's newsletter for https://contentcreationexamples.com/
Curate at least quality 3 pieces from the web about content.
Share update on indiehackers
Curate at least quality 3 pieces from the web about content.
Write tweet on day's words written and weight lifted for challenge.
Write a minimum of 300 words for (eventual) blog content.
Curate at least quality 3 pieces from the web about content.
Write a minimum of 300 words for (eventual) blog content.
Write tweet on day's words written and weight lifted for challenge.
Edit Content Strategies Series flow to send 80% less emails (be less spammy). 😅
Edit Content Strategies Series flow to send 80% less emails (be less spammy). 😅
Write a minimum of 300 words for (eventual) blog content.
Edit Content Strategies Series flow to send 80% less emails (be less spammy). 😅
Write a minimum of 300 words for (eventual) blog content.
Curate at least quality 3 pieces from the web about content.
Add a cool twitter content creator to a list
Connect 3 relevant affiliates for future use of products that I use.
Write tweet on day's words written and weight lifted for challenge.
Write a minimum of 300 words for (eventual) blog content.
Update confirmation redirects for newsletter.
Pick Webflow template for CCE.
Create data models for website
Change testimonial on landing page
Write a minimum of 300 words for (eventual) blog content.