Allows users to accept or reject cookies (
* wip for cookies consent
* overriding templates now
* styled cookies
* async cookie accept/decline submitting
Introduction to the platform trough notifications (
* refactoring notifications to a factory
* almost got all tests to work again
* fixed tests for now, moving onto the notifications for onboarding
* notifications on invite to organization now also work
* added introduction messages for a week
* added shortcuts to introduction
* formatting
Allows users to accept or reject cookies (
* wip for cookies consent
* overriding templates now
* styled cookies
* async cookie accept/decline submitting
Introduction to the platform trough notifications (
* refactoring notifications to a factory
* almost got all tests to work again
* fixed tests for now, moving onto the notifications for onboarding
* notifications on invite to organization now also work
* added introduction messages for a week
* added shortcuts to introduction
* formatting
Introduction to the platform trough notifications (
* refactoring notifications to a factory
* almost got all tests to work again
* fixed tests for now, moving onto the notifications for onboarding
* notifications on invite to organization now also work
* added introduction messages for a week
* added shortcuts to introduction
* formatting